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Auto binary signals yahoo answers

Is Auto Binary Signals (ABS) Another Boring Scam? Product Name: Auto Binary Signals. Product Owner: Roger Pierce. Real Price: $1 trial or $57 + $200 deposit. Rating: Not Recommended. Software that chooses stock trades for you using binary options. Ugh, I'm not sure I can stomach any more of these products this month. Binary options are definitely in vogue, but I have yet to meet ANYONE that has made decent money with them without investing a huge amount of time to learn, and a large amount of money for testing results. This is high risk stock trading, and you need deep pockets to participate. There is no such thing as software that can help you make successful trades, so stay away from any product (like Auto Binary Signals) that says it's easy to become a millionaire in this way. Beware of any product that says there's nothing to learn and everything is done automatically.

Auto Binary Signals uses the typical “Fight The Man” method and tells us about how everyone is losing their jobs, the stock markets are rigged, and the economy is in the dumps. It's standard rhetoric that is just meant to make you nervous about the future and get you to buy his junk. By the way, Roger Pierce is not a real person. Google “Roger Pierce binary options”. Here are your results (none of them are linked to him, they are just reviews of Auto Binary Signals) This is very strange considering he's supposedly successful and now trying to sell a product with his name on it. But if you Google “Nathaniell Brenes affiliate marketing” (this is what I do for a living), and you can see that ALL of the results are me, my social profiles, my guest blogging, and other stuff I do. It's because I'm a real person , you can really talk to me, and I stand by my word. Even if you want to purchase this product to try it and prove me wrong, you'll have to reach deeper into your wallet. The vast majority of binary options brokers require a $200 minimum deposit to get started. Some have a $250 or $300 requirement. And remember that not all trades go smoothly! What happens if you have a couple bad trades and lose your $200? Do you have more? You can see now that this is going to get pretty expensive. As someone that's reviewed 100's of binary options products, and seen many of them come and go in just a few weeks, I see a lot of what happens to the people that lose money on these programssoftwaretechniques.

The following is a common situation: Someone like Roger Pierce promises them easy money for ‘free'. Then they realize that the software is free, but you still have to invest $200. So they invest their last bit of money, and have a few successful trades. They start making higher trades, and lose all their money. The next step is that they get a phone call. Someone at the call center tells them that if they invest just $1000 dollars the company will give them a matching bonus of $1000. Of course, the user can't afford that, so then the representative asks their manager, and approves a deal for just $500 with matching bonus. No money? Ok, we can do $300. The person then proceeds to lose another $300. Some folks end up losing $10,000's of dollars that they can never get back because the companies are located in countries that don't regulate stock market trading like Cyprus or places in Central America. The marketing for Auto Binary signals is quite obviously targeted towards people that want to make ‘easy money'.

They are easy targets, and more susceptible to headlines like “learn the secret to making money” or “legally steal my code to instant riches”. I'm sorry, but earning $59,000 on autopilot with no experience in trading is just not going to happen. But can you make money with Auto Binary Signals? Apparently “some people” are reporting that they are earning money. How much money they earn and how legit their income claims are will have to be up to you to believe or not believe. Personally, I think that if someone was earning money trading they would not stop by my silly-little-blog here and tell me that they were earning. On the other side of the coin however, this software has survived longer than other companies, since this review was originally written over 1 year ago and you can still purchase ABS. Keep in mind though the screenshots of ‘satisfied customers' that you see on the sales page may not be 100% accurate. Did these people actually withdraw their earnings? Were they happy with a few trades or are they doing this full time?

How much money have they invested and how much time did it take them to regularly make good trades? These are important questions to ask. For me, it's clear that the marketing on the sales page is all hype, and I will not trust my money to a person or company that guarantees I can make hundreds of dollars in just a few seconds. If you really want to learn about binary options, spend some time watching the Michael Freeman YouTube channel. He gives free, legitimate advice. If it makes your head spin, that's good. It's a taste of what real binary options traders must know and do to make money in the industry. At the end of the day, there's no guaranteed system to make profitable trades. There's no guaranteed way to make easy money at all! Any type of binary trading software is only going to provide you with “signals” saying that it's a good trade to make based on the software algorithm. Even if the software tells you it's a good trade, you can still lose.

Alternatives To Binary Options. If you are interested binary options and have the money to invest, then you'll need to keep looking for that piece of software that will give you good trading signals. I'm not convinced it's out there, but maybe it is! If you ended up looking for an Auto Binary Signals review because an internet guru told you that you could make easy money in the next 24 hours but you didn't believe them…then there's still hope for you! Yes, people do earn money online. There are millions of jobs you can do, and just as many business ideas out there than you can use to start a real internet-based business. Some people provide services, others sell products. I do freelance advertising, also know as affiliate marketing. Basically, I build websites and make money from advertising on the websites. It's a pretty cushy job since I work from home, sitting at the computer, but it does take some work to get traffic to the website. If you want to learn how to do what I do you can take the same lessons I took in 2010 (updated for 2015). For people interested in started a real business that they can rely on for consistent income, it's my top recommendation. It's newbie friendly as well, and free to join so you can look around and chat to other members without actually paying anything to get started!

Latest posts by Nathaniell (see all) Can You Really Make Money With The Engage Studies Consumer Panel? - December 4, 2017 Can You Really Make Money With The MindsPay Survey Website? - December 4, 2017 Can You Really Make Money With J. R. Watkins? - December 3, 2017. May 8, 2017 at 2:27 am. dont buy this softwre guys,, its full of scam. its says money back gurantte but when u ask for money back.. they only told try this and that,,but nothing gonna work ,, so plz guys dontt buy this software. fuck.. ilost everthing. Alex Acosta says.

August 31, 2016 at 10:40 pm. Hi, you mention that “… companies are located in countries that don’t regulate stock market trading like Cyprus or places in Central America.” Does Hotforex. com, located in Cyprus too, may represent something ilegal? What do you think? I was thinking on getting my money in one of the robots they have. By the way… do you know any other similar platform that actually do what this ABS suppose to to? Thanks in advance? September 2, 2016 at 9:08 am. I wouldn’t trust any trading coming out of Cyprus. I’d only trust US companies because they’re regulated. August 7, 2016 at 9:55 am. There are some good signal providers out there, although I have tried nearly every single one and overall I have lost probably close to $5000 in total. I have been trading binaries for quite some time and I do better with my own judgement and I do also help a few people who I know personally who had lost a lot of money to these scams and they are slowly starting to recover.

I’m developing my own signal software which will be 100% Free and you can even use your existing broker accounts… Quite some way off it being ready to be available to the the public though. Anyway this is starting to sound like an advertisement lol. Just be careful with who you sign up with and don’t EVER take welcome bonuses because the amount of trades you will need to make in order to withdraw any winnings will be immense ! February 8, 2016 at 12:31 pm. ok lets get this right programs like this can work if you apply it correctly and use something which most people lack called ‘Common Sense’. If you just believe your going to make loads of money doing what ABS or any other program tells you to without any knowledge of binarymarket trading then you deserve to lose your money. In fact please contact me and I can sell you some Magic Beans that will make you millions! Surely it would be better to learn a bit about trading there are many books available or go to Youtube and watch some of the many videos that cover the basics and more. Now you have at least a basic understanding of whats going on, what things mean and what your looking at on live trading graphs. Then you can put what you’ve learn’t into practice by making trades (small amounts) and make your own method or you can purchase programs like ABS or DCT or any other you choose to get help on potential trades. These programs offer signalsindications on trades basically its an educated guess with a % of how certain the guess is, so choose a higher % maybe 85%+. When you’ve chosen one look at it in detail on your brokers site and apply the knowledge you’ve learnt and you may see indications that confirm or question the potential trade. You will win more than you lose, it’s strange that you would win more often when you have knowledge and understanding of what’s going on! Remember it’s your hard earned money that’s at risk so lower the risk and get all the knowledge you can first. February 11, 2016 at 10:47 am. I just wonder why there are so many folks defending ABS here. January 4, 2016 at 10:41 pm. Yep just another bs scam! Just like Virtnext, Cashcamp, dowjones etc.

Which binary options watchdog endorse!! But whenever you post anything negative on the website, your comment just gets deleted. Why? Because they make $250 for being affiliates of these products (check out clicksure). Just like trusted binary reviews and keith from option xpert. If any of these crappy robots worked? They wouldn’t be giving the majority of them away for free! It’s just a trick to get you to sign up with a broker, so they can make a commission. Come on guys, do you think a broker is going to sign up hundreds of (if not more) new customers, knowing there going to win? Wake up! 😀 Kai outzen says. January 9, 2016 at 12:22 am. Yes , I thought it was me going crazy , I lost my deposit on Virtnext – Cash Camp - Equinox and others. told watchdog I was deleted. Nice to meet another honest person that tells the truth, I feel better now.

khai malaysian says. December 28, 2015 at 7:07 am. Really lucky.. I almost to buy ABS.. 97usd regular price.. Sudden they give me 49usd promotion.. September 13, 2015 at 1:16 pm. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you………………… I was going to buy into the system, thanks for letting me keep my money. Sorry you all got burnt but thanks for the share. September 1, 2015 at 5:24 am. Ive had ABS for 1 week, and my success rate are lower then 50%, and ive made an account on one of there recommend broker, but now ive had notice that they do manipulate the trades when you actually win with pippets, they turn it to a tie or a loss, one great thing thoe is that ABS support has actually answered me and gave me tips on how to use ABS, but even if I follow their tips to only take signals from atleast 85% and all indi green I still loose, I also have their pro method that give perfect match signals, that they say will most likely to win, but 3 out of 4 of those trades has been a loss, BUT, I now murge the signals with my own method, and have reached a better success, I will try that for another week, but am on the strong side to claim my money back! Thanks for this review! February 3, 2016 at 11:09 pm. Did u get your money back?

I’m trying to get mine right now but insist they need to call me first but they are not calling me! So much for a no questions money back guarantee! February 4, 2016 at 10:16 am. This sounds like the runaround, and they are hoping that you forget about it or get frustrated an give up. Also, many companies will offer “bonuses” or “matching investments” to get you to dump in even more money. Lance Wilson says. August 28, 2015 at 1:23 am. After reading these overwhelmingly negative reviews, I felt compelled to leave a comment. It’s signaling software. Signals are for you to interpret yourself and then decide whether or not to execute the trade. If you blindly follow every signal, then yes you will blow your account pretty quickly. However, I can tell you that if you only trade signals with a 90% expectancy or above, you will have an ITM of 70-80%. I’ve been doing it for months. It’s not bogus software if you use it properly. Only trade the highest probability trades. Nolan Danster says.

January 28, 2016 at 7:10 am. Lance how are you managing with ABS, are you still on the winning side? July 22, 2015 at 11:17 am. I feel your pain, guys. Take it from somebody who is successfully trading binary options. Yes you can make money with binary options and lots of it. No,,there is no software out there that you can buy and will help you achieve your goal. The only way you will be successful trading binary options is by doing it yourself. Start by learning about binary options, various strategies, money management and all that. There is a website I strongly recommend : udemy. com. The site is an educational website offering 20000 courses on just about every topic you can imagine. I trade Forex binary options and I learned a lot about Forex on Udemy. The tric : be patient when choosing a course and don’t pay the full price.

Udemy has sales all the time and you will be able to pay only 10 dollars for any course you like during the promotion. Once you get the education you will need, come up with a trading plan to do the trading yourself. It can be done. Many are doing already and so can you. September 13, 2015 at 2:55 pm. I have the ABS software and on Thursday I was getting 95 to 97 percent probability trades and I never took one under 85. Lost 10 trades in a row. I never do 1 minute trades but I sometimes do 5 minute trades. Contacted support about the issues and they told me the longer trades has lower risk and to be sure an initiate the trade as soon as you are alerted of the signal. If I had followed that advice, I would have lost even more trades. Would have had better success flipping a coin. If you are having the success rate you claim all the time, You must be trading when the conditions are matching up with the software. I believe you might make money on certain days when the market has ideal trading conditions. The software is suppose to adapt to trading conditions but based on my experience their is no evidence of that. I agree with the writer, Doesn’t live up to the expectations.

Gordon Mills says. April 8, 2015 at 4:24 am. I am so pleased I landed on this page: I have already purchased AUTO BINARY SIGNALS but not yet made a deposit into their recommended Brokers account, but after reading this page I will not be doing so: As soon as this message gets sent, I am heading for CLICKBANK and demand the return of my investment into ABS: April 9, 2015 at 10:45 pm. @Gordon Mills – Did you get your money back for the #AUTO_BINARY_SIGNALS . February 19, 2015 at 1:14 am. Please do tell this nice people about Eugene’s Elite trader app – which is the funniest scam of them all..or about the Insured profits…or about RoyJustin – if you know who im talking about :)) he stoped replying after i sent him this message: So should i deposit in another broker you endorse? for example, Citrades? – the kind of broker Insured profits uses? like their 20 for 2 claims, which is impossible? or another clickbank product that can be found on your master list? or the oz robot from commision junction? i give you full marks, sir, you posing as a victim first of all, playing the god card and your 5 $ fiverr testimonials and 99$ press releases + endorsing brokers = one hell’a of way to make money. none of the software that you recomend – call it trading bot – works, both you and me know that.

you just market the same clone ( web platform) under a different name. Elite trader app has been on the market for 4 years now, its nothing new. I do keep track of such things. I would have a contest – lets stay in front of a broker for 1 hour. you may use your ultimate – super - software and i will use my knowledge. Or show me proof, undeniable proof you are who you say you are and your software does what you say it does and i will acquire all 70 systems at once. waiting for your reply, sir. For all the readers, i am not a marketer, i do not recommendendorse any other product. there is NO push button software, no automared trader, if anyone of you think that you will win fortunes with a binary botsignals provider, may it be Insured profits, or OZ trading robot..or Elite trader app or whatever, you fell victim to their sales page. for example: i put toghether a smashing sales page, populate it with fake 5 $ fiverr testimonials, a couple of press releases and make up a story about how i fell victim to scamps ( empathy ) and play a religious card - BUM! you will follow my advice, you will buy what i sell ( OR FOLLOW MY ENDORSMENT AND DEPOSIT TO A BROKER THAT I SUGGEST USiNG A WEB TRADER THAT I RECOMMEND - and thats how i make money. People! EDUCATE yourselves!

you want above 70% accuracy in trading binary? get a good live trading chard, understand how bollinger bands work and learn to trade! February 6, 2015 at 6:11 am. I just came across this, and I would like to say I’m in with 17 wins and 4 losses using ABS. I have a couple of buddies who’s some wins as well. So I really don’t get why y’all are not winning. February 6, 2015 at 6:18 am. Did you go for the bonus offer? I’ve seen a lot of reports of guys that win when they take the bonus (because you are limited to when you can withdraw), but as you get closer to actually trying to remove your money from the system you start losing more. Come back and tell us when the cash is in the bank! April 9, 2015 at 10:52 pm. @Marquez – Are you still making money with this – Did you manage to withdraw anything? October 29, 2014 at 4:26 pm. Well, take it from someone who knows !_! ABS does not function as advertised. I have been trading binaries for quite some time and the ABS software has lost more trades than I have.

I do better when I use my own judgment and I think the average person would. ABS is not the only one I’ve tried so if there’s some miracle working software out there I haven’t found it yet. My suggestion would be not to pay for this JUNK !_! Use the free ones because you will probably do about the same if not better. I’m taking the time to write this because I don’t want you guys to lose your money on this worthless “SHHT.” However, I do enjoy binary trading and it’s been a lot of fun. But I haven’t made any money. There are thousands of this get rich quick software on the net, and it’s just something to take your money. Trust me I know from experience. October 23, 2014 at 6:47 pm. i can’t even get past the first box that says phone verification…. can anybody help please.

October 23, 2014 at 7:03 pm. Why are you still trying to sign up after reading this review? October 23, 2014 at 7:58 pm. I actually want to get my money back man, this is crazy. And i can’t access customer support or anything without it. October 23, 2014 at 8:11 pm. That’s how these companies work. You can’t actually reach them for a refund. With binary, I’ve never heard of getting a refund through the company though. You’ll have to talk to your bank about a chargeback. October 24, 2014 at 7:22 pm. SMH wow I hope somehow I can get my money back. I think I read something about a money back guarantee. But then again it is a scam. I’ll see what I can do. Thanks man I appreciate your honesty. October 27, 2014 at 9:13 pm. Well, good news. Got my refund with no problems and not much effort. August 26, 2014 at 8:18 pm. Avoid Auto Binary Signals, they are crooks! Never answer the phone and the ITM is shit!

The best day so far I got around %56 … I’m not able to break-even so all the fancy stories about ABS being some a good service are a bunch of BS!! I wish I read this warning before! September 6, 2014 at 9:31 pm. Agree. Further, the wins are reported but not the losses. August 25, 2014 at 7:15 am. What a load of bs, you people lost money because you don’t have one clue about trading. This thing works, even better on long term trades. You should do your research on the forex market before jumping into this. If you had done that, you would know not to take trades during news reports or during the JapaneseAustralian sessions. August 25, 2014 at 6:09 pm. How can they read about it when products like this tell them it’s easy and that the software does it for them? I’m not saying that people don’t make money in binary options…I know they do. But products like ABS cannot guarantee profitable trades. It’s just not possible.

August 19, 2014 at 6:38 am. IS this another scam in binary options.? August 19, 2014 at 6:46 am. Yes. If you are looking at binary options as a way to make money, I recommend you stop right in your tracks. It’s NOT easy money. July 5, 2014 at 10:59 pm. Nathaniell you speak the truth! I also fell victim to ABS scam due to all the fake reviews. They convinced me to deposit money with a broker, lost my money and now they don’t answer my emails. The signals are bogus and I know it for a fact since I tried Auto Binary Signals for 3 weeks and got a %45 ITM … later I found that the brokers they work with are a big scam too! Big waste of time and money! Joseph Paul says. June 25, 2014 at 7:51 pm. Wish i found your review sooner. I paid $97.00 and deposited $250.00 into one of his recommended platforms and guess what. won nothing and lost everything. All of his signals are bogus and his pro signals are not worth anything.

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Binary Options Edge. &#34Indestructible&#34 Trading method. Like This Unlike Chris 11 Oct 2013. Here we have an extremely simple 60 minute trading method coined the "Indestructible" indicator trading method. (I have attached the indicator download to this post) The trading method here utilizes following the trend which is always a big plus when trading binary options. when the Indestructible TrendWinner is Green, we only look for Calls and when it’s Red we only look for Puts. As an additional confirmation, one can utilize an ADX indicator and only trade when it is above the 19 level. I, however, believe this additional confirmation is unnecessary. The setup is two consecutive one hour candlesbars the same color as the indicator line followed by an exact entry is the beginning of the third barcandle. The expiry is 60 minutes but the method can be used on higher time frames also if you use 4 hour candles for your entry, the expiry will be 4 hours too. The two bars must