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Call options real estate

The Real Use of Property Options – Rob Balanda. Often sophisticated property buyers want to make a move on a property acquisition but don&rsquot want the transaction to fall into this taxation year. Instead, they want to defer it until the next Financial Year. &ldquoBut is it that important&rdquo the naive amongst you may ask. Well, put yourself in their shoes. If you had a big tax bill to pay, when would you rather pay it? This year or next year. It&rsquos at this time that Accountants and Lawyers pull out of their bottom drawer &ldquoPut and Call Options&rdquo. These are an effective method to achieve this purpose. However there is a lot more to Put and Call Options than just this. They also serve a number of other purposes which may be of interest to readers. 1. Marketeers, Investor Groups and Clubs may want to tie up a number of blocks of land from say, a Developer, with the aim of on selling them to their members or the public. They may put a hold on say ten blocks under a Put and Call Option which allows them to exercise the Option to buy the blocks one at a time. sam id=32 codes=&rsquotrue&rsquoThey will do that when they find someone who wants a house and land package or where they can on sell the block with a mark up. The vehicle of an Option is a more adaptable way of doing this rather than contracting to buy a block and then on selling it. 2. A promoter of a development project may need more time to put together a group of investors to develop a project and needs the flexibility to nominate another entity to acquire the property closer to the settlement date.

Use of an Option Deed will facilitate these types of transactions. 3. A builder may want to tie up a number of properties in a development on a long term basis so they have the ability to construct &ldquospec homes&rdquo on them. Once they have found a buyer of each spec home, they will nominate them as the Buyer of one of the blocks under the Option Agreement and enter into a Building Contract with them. 4. The same builders may need longer settlements but don&rsquot want the expense of stamp duty liabilities that are usually triggered within a month or so of entering into a formal contract. If they utilise an Option they put the property on Lay Buy until they decide when they want to buy it. Then they exercise the Option creating a Contract of Sale when they make that decision. The time for payment of stamp duty starts to run from then. SUBSCRIBE & DON'T MISS A SINGLE EPISODE OF MICHAEL YARDNEY'S PODCAST. Hear Michael & a select panel of guest experts discuss property investment, success & money related topics. Subscribe now, whether you're on an Apple or Android handset. PREFER TO SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL? Join Michael Yardney's inner circle of daily subscribers and get into the head of Australia's best property investment advisor and a wide team of leading property researchers and commentators.

Rob is a partner in the Gold Coast based law firm MBA Lawyers. He is a highly regarded educator of property investors and estate agents and the author of the "Made Simple" series of books and CD's. A Guide to Tax deductions for Property Investors. 20 “life changing” lessons to start your week. 8 strategies to increase serviceability of your loan. 'The Real Use of Property Options – Rob Balanda' have 1 comment. Rob, In victoria the use of Options attract stamp duty . If you are planning to secure a property, then on sell. the cost of stamp duty and severely impact the viabilityprofitability if this method. Are you seeing this negative impact & if so has this diminished the popularity of options? Join 115,000 other subscribers. And receive a weekly range of analysis, articles and expert commentary essential for successful property investing. Your information will not be shared with any 3rd party. That’s a promise.

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Download Firefox — English (US) Your system may not meet the requirements for Firefox, but you can try one of these versions: Download Firefox — English (US) Your system doesn't meet the requirements to run Firefox. Your system doesn't meet the requirements to run Firefox. Please follow these instructions to install Firefox. Australia : What is a Put and Call Option for land? Connections at Firm. A Put and Call Option is an agreement, usually between a landowner and a Builder. The agreement allows the landowner to allocate certain blocks to the Builder for their exclusive right to sell to third parties, for an 'option fee'. The benefit to the landowner is that they have a guaranteed sale because even if the Builder doesn't find a third party, the 'put' option allows them to make the Builder purchase the lot. The benefit to the Builder is that they get to package the land up as a house and land package, guaranteeing their build on that block of land. The risk to the Builder is that if they do not find a third party to purchase the block of land, they are required to. There is also such thing as just a Call Option. The difference here is that the landowner no longer has the option to require the Builder purchase the lot however if the Builder doesn't nominate a third party to purchase the lot, they may forfeit their option fee.

Option Deeds entered into between landowners and Builders include certain terms and conditions. Usually the most crucial is the Call Option expiry date. The Call Option expiry date is the latest date that the Builder has to nominate a third party to purchase the land. In most cases, in order to nominate a third party purchaser to purchase the land, the Builder must ensure that a both building and land contracts have been entered into by the Call Option expiry date. The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances. To print this article, all you need is to be registered on Mondaq. com. Click to Login as an existing user or Register so you can print this article. “The articles are extremely timely and highly applicable” “I often find critical information not available elsewhere” “As in-house counsel, Mondaq’s service is of great value” How To Make Money WIth Real Estate Options. For many Americans, real estate, in the form of a family home or rental property, is their single largest class of investment. These investors often perceive real estate as one of the safest and most reliably profitable investments over a period of time. However, real estate investment involves a high cost of entry (usually funded by a loan with interest), a long investment period, and great uncertainty. Instead of buying actual property, investors can consider burying real estate options as a way to invest in real estate at a lower cost and with fewer expenses.

A Realistic Look at Calculating Profit in Real Estate. A novice real estate investor may look at a two-bedroom apartment and see that in 5 years it increased in value from $100,000 to $300,000 and conclude a tripling of investment value. However, this simple analysis misses routine related expenses which can include financing charges for property purchase, monthly interest payments, registration and stamp duty charges, property taxes, commissions to agents during purchase or sale, monthly association fees, maintenance and repairs, insurance, and other applicable local taxes (for example, capital gains tax at sale or a property valuation above a certain level that qualifies the owner for a wealth tax). Considering all these factors, the realistic valuation of returns for property is reduced substantially, and may not be fully understood by the common investor (related: How To Calculate Your Investment Returns). Developments during the investment period may lead to difficulty in selling the property later. For example, a noisy new highway or a spike in crime may devalue the property. (Related: The Most Important Factors For Investing In Real Estate) A lower cost way to invest and profit in real estate is through real estate options. What Is a Real Estate Option? A real estate option is a specially designed contract between two parties (a buyer and a seller). The seller offers the buyer the option to buy a property, for a specified period of time at a fixed price.

The buyer purchases the option to buy or not buy the property during the specified time period. For the right of this option, the buyer pays the seller an option premium. If the buyer decides to buy the property (in other words, exercise the real estate option), the seller must sell the property to the buyer according to the terms of the preexisting contract. You may have encountered the concept of options when purchasing stocks. Options provide many choices to the buyer. They can be exercised early (American type), held until option expiry, or sold to a second buyer before expiration. Real estate options are commonly used by property developers and investors in commercial or high-end residential property. Real estate options provide more flexibility and low cost trading and investing opportunity to buyers, with limited benefits to sellers. Example of a Real Estate Options Trade. Here is a comprehensive analysis of risk and reward of a real estate options scenario. Assume that a builder has $500,000 and wants to purchase a land for which the seller wants $2 million. The builder is unsure of few things: 1) Can the builder raise $1.5 million through bank loans or other sources? 2) Can the builder gain necessary permits for residential or commercial development or further subdivision of the property? 3) Can the builder raise money and obtain permits before another builder buys the land?

In this situation, a real estate option is appropriate. For a defined nonrefundable cost (called the real estate option premium or the consideration) of say $25,000, the builder can enter a real estate option contract with the seller. The real estate option allows the builder to lock down the property sale price at $2 million over a period of 6 months. During this time, the builder can raise money, obtain permits, and either buy the property (spending a total of $2 million plus the $25,000 option premium), walk away from the property (and lose the $25,000), or sell the option to another buyer for a negotiable price. Either way, the seller will make an additional $25,000 from the property. The real estate option contract will include the following conditions: property details (location, size, and other specifics) duration of the contract (6 months from trade date) option premium or consideration amount ($25,000 nonrefundable paid by the buyer to the seller on the trade date) agreed purchase price if the option is exercised during the contract ($2 million) For the 6-month duration of the contract, there are four possible scenarios. Scenario 1: The builder is approved for a $1.5 million bank loan. He also confirms he can obtain necessary permits for development. He exercises his real estate option to purchase the property at predetermined price of $2 million. The seller receives $2 million plus keeps the additional $25,000 option premium. Scenario 2: After 2 months, the builder discovers he will not be able to obtain a development permit. In the next 4 months, the builder manages to find another party willing to buy the property for $2 million. The builder sells the real estate option to the new party for a new price of $30,000. The new party replaces the builder in the original option contract.

The new party exercises the option and purchases the property for $2 million. The seller receives $2 million from the new party plus keeps the $25,000 option premium from the builder. The builder sold the option for $30,000 and thus makes $5,000 and is not saddled with a property he cannot use. Scenario 3: The builder is simply an option buyer looking to benefit from price appreciation of the property. If the demanded price of $2 million increases to $2.2 million in 5 months, the option buyer will benefit by exercising the option to purchase the property and then selling the property ($2.2 million - $2 million - $25,000 = $175,000). However, instead of entering property ownership and all the associated fees, taxes, and costs that will lower the $175,000 profit, the option buyer can instead sell the option to a new party willing to buy the property. As the underlying property price increases, the real estate option price will also increase in what is called a delta). The buyer can sell the option at a new premium which includes the change in value of the property. The original option buyer can sell the option for $200,000 to the new buyer. The new buyer will be willing to pay $200,000 because it means the total purchase price of the property will be $2.2 million ($2 million paid to original property owneroption seller plus $200,000 to the existing option holder).

At the end of the transaction, the property owner gets $2 million plus the $25,000 option premium, the original option buyer profits with $175,000, and new option buyer purchases the desired property at current market rates. Scenario 4 : The builder is not able to secure a loan or permits. He also cannot find a new buyer for his option. The builder lets the option expire and loses the option premium. However the buyer was able to avoid a bad $2 million investment by paying the $25,000 premium (just 1.25 percent of the actual deal value). The seller benefits by $25,000 over the option period of 6 months and continues to search for a buyer. In all cases, once the seller enters a real estate options contract, the seller no longer has choices on whether to sell the property and at what price. The seller must wait for the buyer’s decision to exercise the option. This is why the seller receives and keeps the option premium upfront. Real estate options offer a lower-cost method to trade, invest, and profit from real estate investments. However, they are effectively OTC contracts between two individual parties with no outside regulatory oversight. The involved parties must ensure that the options contract is fair. Default by the option seller is one of the major challenges in real estate options agreements. In such cases, the buyer’s only recourse is a lawsuit.

Lack of publicly available information and past records on real estate options participants is another challenge. Real estate options investors should also consider additional expenses like fees for legal services such as drafting and registering the contract. Australia : The What, How and Why of put and call options. Connections at Firm. Put and call options are a useful way of allowing parties to enter into an agreement to sell or acquire land at a future point in time, requiring minimum upfront commitment. In the most simplistic of terms, rights granted under a put and call option are a future right to compel a seller to sell land (the "call option"), or a buyer to buy land (the "put option"). This article will cover some of the basic and common features of put and call options. WHAT IS A CALL OPTION? A call option is granted by a seller of land in favour of a buyer. It is an enforceable right that, when exercised by a buyer, requires the seller to sell the land the subject of the call option to the buyer. A call option is beneficial to a buyer, with some of the main advantages being: subject to negotiation, it gives the buyer the opportunity to undertake due diligence on the land, lodge a DA and obtain approvals to develop the land and secure finance for the acquisition before the buyer exercises the call option a call option gives rise to a caveatable interest in the land in favour of the buyer and the price (which must be agreed before the call option deed is entered into) will not change, regardless of market fluctuations (which of course, if most suitable to a buyer if the market value of the land increases during the call option period (see below)). WHAT IS A PUT OPTION?

A put option is the opposite of a call option, and is granted by a buyer in favour of a seller of land. The buyer grants an enforceable right to the seller, which allows the seller to require the buyer to buy the land the subject of the put option, at a future point in time. HOW IS A PUT AND CALL OPTION DOCUMENTED? Put and call options are documents by way of deed. The usual technical term for the parties to an option deed are: The option deed must have annexed to it a complete and valid contract for sale and purchase of land (in addition to other technical documents). This therefore requires all aspects of the transaction to be agreed before the option deed is entered into (eg, purchase price, deposit and settlement period). Once the relevant option is exercised by a party, the contract for sale and purchase of land that is annexed to the option deed becomes binding on the parties and the transaction progresses as a typical conveyance. FEATURES OF PUT AND CALL OPTIONS. Notwithstanding the abovementioned differences between a put option and a call option, the features noted below are essentially the same between the two. As the subject matter of an option deed is an interest in land, consideration is required to be paid when the option deed is entered into (ie, on exchange of option deeds). Depending on the type of option that is being agreed, the consideration is either: a "call option fee", paid by the buyer to the seller or a "put option fee", paid by the seller to the buyer. If the agreement is for a put and call option, both forms of consideration are payable.

The consideration can be nominal. A call option exercise period is a set period of time during which the buyer can exercise its call option. A put option exercise period is a set period of time during which the buyer can exercise its put option. This timeframe is agreed by the parties before the option deed is entered into. Ordinarily, these two periods of time are sequential. If, the call option period expires and the buyer has not exercised its call option requiring the seller to sell the land, the buyer becomes precluded from doing so. This means that the seller can exercise its put option during the put option exercise period and require the buyer to buy the land. Neither party is compelled to exercise their option during the relevant option exercise period. If neither party exercises their option, the option comes to an end at the expiration of the final option period. This means that the buyer loses the exclusive right to buy the land and the seller loses its buyer (but is otherwise free to deal with the land). A buyer who has entered into a call option deed, but has not yet exercised the call option, may be entitled to assign its rights under the call option deed to a third party. On completion of the assignment, the third party will step into the shoes of the buyer as if it were the original buyer under the call option deed. The third party and the seller then proceed with the transaction in accordance with the terms of the call option deed. A buyer may also be entitled to appoint one or more third parties as a nominee to exercise the call option on behalf of the buyer. The appointment of a nominee is different to an assignment (where the buyer assigns its rights under the call option deed).

If a nominee does exercise the call option, the contract which comes into existence will be between the nominee and the seller, instead of between the buyer and the seller. STAMP DUTY CONSIDERATIONS. When a put option or a call option is exercised, stamp duty becomes payable by the buyer as it normally would for a standard conveyance (ie, on exchange of contracts). Stamp duty implications also arise when assigning an option or appointing a nominee to exercise an option. The stamp duty liability can be significant and specialist stamp duty advice should be sought if an assignment or nomination is considered. For further information please contact: Phone: + 61 2 9233 5544. The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances. To print this article, all you need is to be registered on Mondaq. com. Click to Login as an existing user or Register so you can print this article. “The articles are extremely timely and highly applicable” “I often find critical information not available elsewhere” “As in-house counsel, Mondaq’s service is of great value” Put & Call Options. A put and call option is a contract that provides one party an enforceable right to buy (or ‘call’) and the other party to sell (or ‘put’) real property at a future time and at a particular price.

There are also call options available providing grantee’s with a unilateral right to purchase. A put and call option may achieve the same effect as a conventional contract of sale as either party has a right to bind the other to either purchase or sell the property. Put and call options in property transactions gives rise to various opportunities for any grantee (who has the call option right) to defer payment of transfer duty and in particular cases to nominate third parties to purchase the property (which may minimise duty payable by the grantee, assessed only on the amount of any premium it makes by effecting the third party nomination). There could also be taxation benefits to sellers of property utilising option arrangements (including delaying capital gains tax on the sale to the following financial year). The drafting of put and call option agreements requires care and consideration and legal advice. If you are thinking of structuring your purchase or sale through the use of options, our property lawyers can draft the documentation, explain the technical complexities in ‘plain English’ and guide you through the various pitfalls that can often be associated with such agreements. Property Law Services. Marino Law. With more than 30 years experience in all aspects of law, the team at Marino Law believe in putting their clients’ needs first and anticipating the unexpected. Whether you’re after legal services and advice for business or personal matters, Marino Law will work with you to ensure the process is as seamless as possible. Family Law – not always about the de-construction of the family – Step Parent Adoptions in Queensland. Family Court removes hurdle for children with Gender Dysphoria. Estate Planning Update: What Constitutes an Informal Will? Safe Harbour and Ipso Facto Reform.

Suite 2, Level 1, 2485 Gold Coast Highway, Mermaid Beach, QLD 4218 PO Box 1898, Broadbeach QLD 4218 (07) 5526 0157 (07) 5526 5441 info@marinolaw. com. au. LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Property Investments, Why Invest in Australian Property? Why option land? In recent years, major developers have secured conditional options to purchase on vast tracts of land throughout Australia as o ption land for development because an option is the right to convey a piece of property. Option land sale vs options to purchase land? Option land means the person granting an option is called the optionor (or grantor) and the person who gets benefits of using an option is called optionee (or the beneficiary). An option agreement is where one person grants another person the exclusive right for a set time to buy a property normally at a set price. A non-refundable fee is normally charged for this option. During the term of option, no one else can buy or sell the property. The property may then be purchased by exercising option and entering into a pre-agreed form of contract or option can be left to expire.

Option agreements can either be call option agreements (where the buyer has the only right to “call” for a contract to be entered into) or a put and call Option agreement (where the buyer can “call” for a contract to be entered into or the seller can “put” the contract to the buyer). The form of option agreement used depends on the circumstances… Option land can be used by developers for future projects and land banking method. Finding option land subdividable, how do you find the blocks with the highest possible profit? Like any property investing method it takes skill to find, negotiate and acquire a site which meets your investor needs. To enhance this skill it’s important to become an area expert first which means choosing two or three suburbs and become intimate with what each property in that area is worth in the current market. From there you should be educating yourself on what parameters council have set for potential subdivision sites e. g. minimum lot size, frontage etc. Build a good network of agents in the area to help you find the right site and use online resources like realestate. com. au, pricefinder. com.

au and googlemaps. com…etc. You may also be able to get access to integrated free mapping service which your local council might provide. Options exist in one of two types: Call options give beneficiary the right to require grantor to sell or convey property to them at agreed price on exercise Put options give beneficiary the right to require grantor to buy or receive property at agreed price on exercise. How do options work? A landowner grants a property developer an option for a fixed term of years to purchase their land. The eventual sale price is usually agreed at a percentage of market value once a suitable planning consent is secured for development. As part of the deal, the developer is responsible for promoting site for development through planning process as this can be costly, time consuming and may not always end in success. There are many ways to fund your option land project and it depends on the size of the deal, capital (cash or equity) which is supporting the subdivision project and potential end value of site. For a small splitter from one into two lots residential subdivision you could potentially secure site with a residential loan and use other forms of funding to pay for the associated subdivision costs. For example paying a private lender a premium interest rate on $100k lended into project for a short period of time provides flexibility and speed to get project back on the market. What are the benefits of doing subdivisions? The subdivision method can be one of the better property investing strategies for a number of reasons.

It is a simple enough process for an intermediate investor as well as a beginner if supported with the right team. Option land subdivisions is a highly leveraged method leveraging your town planner to effectively do a lot of the work for you this means it is a method which can be implemented by someone that still has a full time job. There are many exit strategies within the option land process which helps to mitigate or reduce a lot of the risk. Finally, there are a lot of opportunities to subdivide in the current Australian market with the ability to make a substantial profit. When looking for your next subdivision project, it’s important to spend plenty of time assessing the area and running numbers on many sites before you finally acquire one. To do this you need a method to quickly assess each site in a way which provides clarity on whether to move ahead with the site acquisition. Due diligence is a critical part of assessing your option land project for financial viability. Since there are more sites you’ll reject than go ahead with its important to use a system to do your due diligence quickly and effectively. If you are a landowner and believe your property has potential for development your options are: 1: Do nothing beyond sitting back and waiting to be approached by a developer or investor interested in acquiring your property. This is a risky option. Your site could end up not being considered by the planners as a future development option. Or the planners may decide to favour another site that is being actively promoted for development.

2: Take responsibility for promoting your property for development through the planning process. This can be very costly. It may be right for you if you can comfortably afford the investment required and you are prepared to accept the risk that you may ultimately loose your investment if you are unsuccessful. 3: Invite developers to submit offers for an option to acquire your property in future for development. In return for bearing planning costs and accepting the risk of loosing its investment. The developer wants an option to purchase the site at a discount to full market value once planning consent is secured. If you feel your property has potential for future development and you want to find out more, please feel free to contact us for free initial impartial advice without obligation. Option land for development as landowner grants a property developer an option for a fixed term of years to purchase their land. If your method is to sell a new created lot or lots you could always have them available to sell, even before the actual subdivision has been completed because getting a buyer to purchase property subject to titles being issued provides a lot of financial certainty with your project. Property Investments Now can act on behalf of landowners looking to sell development options, developers and investors looking to secure development options as part of their property investors method. Property Investments Now could partner with you to discover what the real value of your land is and it’s development potential. Why? Because property development is a very challenging and indepth process.

Option land means being able to deliver a project from concept to completion, it requires commitment. Many land owners do not have skills, experience, contacts or resources to take it on independently. Option land by partnering with our team to fill in gaps and increase the profitability of your property. You get a piece of the profits from the development in return for giving us time to add value to your property by way of obtaining a Development Approval. We co-ordinate the whole process with you through the use of a standard option agreement. This is a legal document which gives us permission to obtain the Development Approval (at 100% our cost) while you still have the title of the property and can continue to live or rent the property out. For the owner of the land this can add massive value to their property through the Development Approval because it is our time, energy and money spent on your property whilst you still own it. We do everything within council guidelines and town plan through understanding and fulfilling the council’s needs first and foremost backed by research which is done upfront to save time, ensuring the end result of getting the development approval sooner. Our communication with you is consistent and constant throughout the development process. We appreciate the more you engage and understand the process…the more confidence you get in us to deliver better results. Once development approval is obtained, we’re able to pay you the land owner, effectively settle on the land and continue the physical development process. We keep you updated regularly throughout the planning process. Property Investments Now prides itself on its honest and direct communication with land owners and we respect your property is a great investment and needs to deliver the highest return through a strategic partnership with us. Want to know how to option land or use land banking method , click here for more information or feel free to send us an email. Put & Call Options.

The Ins and Outs of Put & Call Options. Traditionally, an option allows one party the enforceable right to buy something at a future time at a particular price. This is in fact a “call” option and there is another type of option – a “put” option – where a buyer grants the seller the right to compel the buyer to buy the asset at a specific price in the future. It is rare for put options to exist in real estate transactions by themselves. However put options and call options are often combined in one transaction, called a “put and call” option to achieve much the same effect as a conventional contract. This is because if the buyer doesn’t exercise its call option, the seller can compel the buyer to proceed under the put option. The “consideration” (price) for the option can be nominal, say $10. This means the only stamp duty payable until the contract comes into existence (ie after the exercise of either one or both options), is negligible. This has an obvious attraction to buyers of development projects where the approval process extends to 12 months or more because the payment of substantial stamp duty on the actual purchase price is deferred. Put and call options also allow greater flexibility to the buyer in that they can usually transfer their interest under the option far more efficiently (in terms of stamp duty and legal overheads) than if they had to sell the land or transfer the interest under a purchase contract. Most options of this type also contain provisions allowing the buyer to “nominate” a subsequent party to be the ultimate buyer.

Property marketers often take put and call options to gain the exclusive right to market lots for sale for a specific period of time. Importantly, the buyer under a put and call option still has a caveatable interest in the property. There are however some disadvantages to using a put and call option in place of a regular contract. They are more complex than a standard REIQ document and therefore involve greater time and legal expense in their preparation. There will be some resistance from property owners who might regard this form of documentation as complex. Extra time is also often required to negotiate the terms of the option agreement. It must be remembered that if an option to acquire land in Queensland is terminated or assigned, this is classified as a surrender of dutiable property and further stamp duty may be assessable. The requirements of PAMDA (section 365-366B) must still be satisfied as an option to purchase is a contract to sell land i. e. a form 30C, BCCM information sheet (if applicable) must be attached to the option and the contract or the parties will not be bound to the contract. If a third party is nominated to purchase then the PAMDA requirements must again be complied with when the option is exercised. It is normal for special conditions to be included in options including amongst others due diligence enquiries, development approvals (if applicable), FIRB and access arrangements. Call 1300 529 529 to help with any put and call option or assistance with any of your conveyancing needs. Get Your Free Quote Now. Request Free Case Review.

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) You can verify this by looking at the phone numbers and addresses on the above websites, plus all of the sites look like each other. This seems very spammy and NOT a good representation of Yahoo's stellar results. Also, it sends the signal to others that all you need to do is build out 5-6 ****** websites, link them together and take over the top search results. which isn't fair to other operators or customers trying to find the best products. Another interesting thing about the results for "chinook boot dryers" is the fact that this guy has the domain chinookbootdryer. com, and that he is NOT the manufacturer of Chinook Boot Dryers but his organic listing is being treated with domain authority as though he was the manufacturer. We spoke to the actual manufacturer and found out that this guy is only one of many of their dealers and does not work for the company or have any affiliation with them in any way. You can verify this by calling the manufacturer yourself. Their number is 203-366-3840. We have researched many other "boot dryer" keyword results and have noted that his websites are ALL dominant and taking up almost all of the page 1 organic search results. We hope you do the right thing and don't reward this behaviour, since the rest of us are trying to stick to Yahoo's guidelines and play by the rules. with one website. Thanks for your consideration and support! I am requesting that you do a manual review of the organic results on "chinook boot dryers", and many other "boot dryer" and "boot dryers" keywords.

First there is not much variety being displayed, since the search results are almost ALL going to websites controlled by the same guy who has built the following websites, and interlinked them together and crowded out all of the other possible search results: + his pages on Amazon (note the seller is SEA Products, which is the same guy who runs all of the above websites. Scott… more. I can't sign into my account because I don't have access to the phone number it's linked to anymore. I can't sign into my main email account because I no longer have access to the phone number it's linked to. How can I sign in with the old password system? Having no other option to sign in other than the "secure" way is stupid and is upsetting when I need to access my email from my computer! I'm logged in on my new device but I have no access from my desktop where I need access it from. Stock screener crashes. choice to remove real names and birthdays from account to stop hackers from stealing names. choice to remove real name and real birthdays from list account to stop hackers from Identity theft. All people alive a long time God bless everyone. Be happy but alert everyone to sad. My portfolio is missing, please reset my page so it shows my information again. When you launch new webpage, install a QC team so peoples' data is not missing.

i need to check on an order coming to walmart. I need to check on an item being shipped to walmart today. Some downloads on the internet are linked to a Yahoo hijack of Firefox and Chrome browsers where searches are redirected to Yahoo search. Some downloads on the internet are linked to a Yahoo hijack of Firefox and Chrome browsers where searches are redirected to Yahoo search. This has to be damaging your reputation. You need to take steps to stop this from happening. should be able to go dir. to the program I am referencing. New House Hunter Intl. do not tell what job the couple has, relating to their new location also filing does not always show each room in houseapt. Inquiring minds want to know!!

I only got about 25 shaves out of the large can of this shaving gel. That SUCKS> I would expect that from a cheapie dollar type of product, not THE # 1 brand in shaving. stuff.. Yes I am ****** OFF> fix broken search functionality. You can improve by making it work as advertised. And to be better restore lost functionality from say, 5 or more years ago. For example, this is broken: search for word in subject succeeds when use the time of anytime but fails when I use last 7 days. I can see the mail with search word at the first mail in my inbox which I sent 15 minutes ago. Search used to be terrific, better than gmail. But it has deteriorated. Email address should be open to pace this info. Take my photo off of image and remove crimil record web sites attached to name I did not give permission to place there would like IP address of who put it on line thank you when done email me. Kevin gerlach and Kevin Michael gerlach both tks. Don't see your idea?

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Binary Options Edge. &#34Indestructible&#34 Trading method. Like This Unlike Chris 11 Oct 2013. Here we have an extremely simple 60 minute trading method coined the "Indestructible" indicator trading method. (I have attached the indicator download to this post) The trading method here utilizes following the trend which is always a big plus when trading binary options. when the Indestructible TrendWinner is Green, we only look for Calls and when it’s Red we only look for Puts. As an additional confirmation, one can utilize an ADX indicator and only trade when it is above the 19 level. I, however, believe this additional confirmation is unnecessary. The setup is two consecutive one hour candlesbars the same color as the indicator line followed by an exact entry is the beginning of the third barcandle. The expiry is 60 minutes but the method can be used on higher time frames also if you use 4 hour candles for your entry, the expiry will be 4 hours too. The two bars must